Friday, January 27, 2017

Aberrant Scale

One of our projects was to create something with a messed up scale. So, I decided to make giant chess pieces with a normal dog. (Or is it a tiny dog with normal chess pieces???)
I used acrylic paint on regular paper, which proved to be annoying because the paper started curling up at the edges.
I learned that I can't draw dog faces, the dog. Was supposed to be a husky, but the face is too squished. I also can't draw a chess board floor and make it into perspective. I tried using the horizon point, but that only works for one way, I had no idea how to use it for the horizontal lines. It probably took me about two hours to make, it was a lot of waiting for paint to dry though.

Monday, January 23, 2017

And Everything in Between!

I haven't just been working on the main assignments, actually very rarely do I work on the main ones! I spend a lot of my time doing other random paintings to help calm me down when I'm stressed about school in general, and here are all the ones I have pictures of!

(I won't be commenting on all of them, just a few)

These are all of the same thing, it was going to be my repetition, but I got very frustrated with all the tiny circles.

It is very difficult to get these all on the same line, but this was the background for the moon and sun. 

 These were actually a part of my summer homework... but I forgot about them... oops!

This was planning for the cards, I was going to do a clock for the seven of spades, but ended up not. But I really love the clock, I should just crop that one!

First attempt at calligraphy! Super fun, I'm a little better now though. Just don't have any pictures yet.

And I know I have more, but I don't have more pictures than this, so that's all for now! I'll try to update as I work instead of at the end of the semester like this, but I can't promise anything.

Summer Homework

Ok, this one is mostly going to be pictures with me saying very briefly what they are. This isn't all of my work, just my favorite ones that I took pictures of, because I don't want to take pictures of all thirty of them. (Note for Stashia: I'm replacing my synectics with my summer homework)

So these are shells, very simple, I only used charcoal, I didn't outline them at all which was fun and good practice.

This was fun to make, I'm pretty sure this is just marker, but it was a lot of fun to draw. And then, I put white glitter on the background. I still have glitter all over my backpack, cubby, bedroom, etc...

This was water color and marker, I think the flowers are marker and the background is water color, but I might have also used water color for part of the flowers.

This one was just fun and simple. I used black and grey marker, and it was just fun to make something sweet and simple.

The picture didn't turn out very well for this one, (I'm definitely NOT a photographer) but it's a lion made with graphite and a water color background.

This one was a lot of fun to make! The very background is water color, then I used sharpie for the spots, then acrylic for the base color of the giraffe, then another sharpie for it's spots and hair on the tail, then a thin sharpie to outline the giraffe and add it's face details.

This is all acrylic, and it's a simplistic painting of my mom. I don't know why I did it in all blue, other than that's my mom's favorite color and I still had a lot of blue left over from another painting.

This is also all acrylic, but I had fun with it. I really can't remember how I got the base texture for this, but I used something. Anyway, the first layer is a combination of grey, white, black, and I think a brown. When that dried I used painter's tape to make straight lines and mixed a combination of brick reds and browns, and painted the rectangles. Then when that dried, I got a couple of leaves and dipped them in paint and stamped them onto the page.

I'm pretty sure this is also just acrylic. Nothing really elaborate about it, just did the background first, then painted the butterfly.

This is acrylic and metallic sharpies. This is the flag of South Africa, because my mom was born there, and I just had fun doing patterns on it.

This is crumpled up painter's tape to make the texture, then I used a paint brush to dab the acrylic on it. No strokes, just dabbing.

This is a water color background with marker details. Took forever to make, but I like the way it looks.

This was originally going to be colored pencil, but I quickly remembered that I don't like colored pencil, so I outline it with string, painted over it, and used a silver sharpie to outline the callow lilies and the moon. This is one of my favorites!

This one is an acrylic background, with sharpie outline, acrylic  rope, and acrylic flowers. I enjoyed painting the flowers the most, but drawing the anchor was fun too.

This is my absolute favorite painting from my summer homework. The background is water color, and I love the fade of those colors, then I used acrylic paint for the tress, I dry brushed the details onto the trees which looks so great, and even though I think it would have looked better without the leaves at the bottom, I still love it.

So this was crayon first, then I added a layer of black acrylic paint, and then I scratched it off with a pencil I think, I don't actually remember. But it was a lot of fun, I actually learned how to do this in 6th or 7th grade.

This was in honor of my brother, who's favorite animal is a fox. I had a lot of fun with this one, the fox is graphite and the background is water color. I love the boxes.


This was our first assignment of the new school year, and I had so much fun with it! Each student had to choose at least two cards from a deck, and design a new card face for it.This was such a fun project, I really enjoyed designing different cards, and I actually designed like ten, but I ended up with these three. 

So, card number 1! I chose the 3 of diamonds, and I fiddled around with a couple of designs and finally decided on the poppies. (The other two have a very similar story) I used water color pencils and water to paint the background and actual flower part and for the background of the diamonds, and then I used calligraphy pens for any of the black details. This card took me the least amount of time, because it was the simplest design and I have painted the poppies before for another project, so I already knew how to make them look. So it took me about an hour over all to paint.

Card 2! I chose the 2 of clovers, and I had a lot of fun with the background of this one! I used water color, gouache actually, and salt, which made the texture really cool but it also makes it look really cool too. Then I used calligraphy pens for the tress, and used acrylic for the leaves and snow. This one took me a lot longer because of the salt, I had to wait for the paint to dry onto the salt, which took an entire class period, but actually working on it not counting the waiting it probably still took me about two hours. 

Card 3! Alrighty, so I chose the seven of spades, and this card, although I love the outcome, I thoroughly hated making. Unlike cards 1 and 2 which were made in my sketchbook, this card was made on a big piece of cardboard... and nothing is drawn/painted. It's all cloth, glued onto the cardboard and then onto the other cloth. It was a fun idea, and I was really excited about it, but I should have done it on a much smaller scale, I got soooo frustrated with the glue I was using, and I got fuzz from the body of the dragonfly all over my clothes, but I tried something new and it turned out to be a really interesting piece that has depth to it which I really like. I wish I had done a darker background though, because the fabric I used for the wings was almost transparent and it would have looked better on a darker background. This one obviously took me the longest, I had to cut everything out, plan where it was going, glue it all down, I don't remember how long exactly it took, but probably close to 4 hours. I learned I really don't like cut and  paste, if I can avoid it I will at all costs, but I stuck through it which is rare for me, usually if I don't like something I'll go in a completely different direction, but I'm really glad I didn't this time.


The repetition project was very challenging for me to work on, I started off working on a sun and moon with lots of little repeated details in it, and I got extremely frustrated with it very quickly, so I wanted to take a break and just mess around a bit. That's when I started painting this for my mom because she really wanted to have a picture of birch trees, and when I finished I realized that, duh, it's a repetition! I really love this one, I love the water color background, I think the colors look really well blended, and it makes it look like a sunset, 
This one took me about three hours, it's a pretty big painting, and oh my goodness, I painted it on hand made cotton paper, and it's the best paper I have ever used for painting! I absolutely love this paper, it's really thick so it doesn't fold when I put a lot of paint on it, and it doesn't curl with the water colors, it's perfect!

Non Objective

The Non-Objective assignment is supposed to be a piece of art that has no picture, it doesn't look like anything. On the left side, I painted a flower, which is definitely objective, but I started it as my non objective. I was going to use the background of it, but then I got purple on it and it started to look like a flower, so I just went with it. So the painting on the right is actually my non objective. 

I used acrylic paint and a sponge to add multiple layers of non mixed colors, and when that dried I used a brush to splatter gold paint onto it. Once that dried, I user a charcoal pencil and a ruler to draw the lines. It probably took me about 2 hours with waiting for the paint to dry, sponging is a fast way to cover the paper with paint so the most time consuming part was drawing the diagonal lines. 

Even though it was small and didn't take very long, I still think it turned out really well. The colors look so pretty together, and I wasn't expecting that. The lines really add an interesting texture, and I love it! I learned that it's really difficult to paint non objectively because my brain will always try and make it into something, like the flower, but I also found my new favorite way to paint, so I'd call this a success.

Doodle 4 Google

This was my entry for the Doodle for Google competition. Our theme this year was 'The Future' and so I decided to draw what I want my future to look like. I decided to draw this on paper, and fill in the background with the Google colors in water color.
This took me about three hours, I practiced in two sketchbooks and a smaller piece of paper before I redrew it onto a bigger sheet of paper and inked it. I had to wait a while for the ink to dry before I could water color it. I think this turned out really nicely, I'm actually really sad I sent it into Google because I want to keep it and show it off! I learned how to draw simple but pretty flowers for the bouquet, and I attempted drawing things I don't normally draw, like the baby and the woman who is pregnant, and I really like the way they turned out. I'll update this if I find out what happened to it with the competition!