Monday, October 31, 2016

Midterm Update

Summer Homework
I was able to fill up the entire sketch book, plus finish my giant canvas and the three smaller canvases, so I got as much done as was required, but I didn't do some ideas that I had and I should have.
    Most of my designs in my sketchbook were really fun to do, and they turned out really nicely, but there were about 3 drawings that I didn't like, the one I really don't like is the newspaper one, I don't think I did a great job on it, and it doesn't look as cool as I thought it would. Other than that, I think it was rather successful.
    I grew as an artist over the summer because I used a couple of new mediums and started to learn more about my preferred style of art. I like things to be simplistic, but have the appearance of detail, like my birch trees. I like doing things that have elements of repetition, but not using a stencil to copy the same shape like my feathers.
    I believe I deserve an A because I put so much time and effort into all of my drawings and paintings, I don't think a single one took only 30 mins, maybe the newspaper one only took that long. Plus I did interesting earthy designs for the extra projects, which I think turned out really interesting.

Google Doodle
I am painting the Doodle 4 Google, probably on a medium canvas board.
    For my doodle, I want to create a future world where genetical modifications got out of hand, and the vegetation took over the cities, so I'm painting giant trees entangling and destroying New York, with houses and roads built onto and into the giant trees. I'm only in the planning stage at the moment, I will begin painting soon.
    My plan fits the design, because the theme is 'what do I see for the future?' And giant trees could be a future problem if something goes wrong with science experiments. It's really just a fantasy, but it would be an interesting future to live in giant trees.
    I'm not sure how long it will take, it took me about half an hour to plan it all out, the painting will probably take a few days.
    I'm not finished yet, so I can't be graded yet.

    I used acrylic on canvas board, and I'm adding details with a fine tipped sharpie. Plus I used my hands to paint, no brushes, so it was a fun project!
    The background is a swirl of blues and a little bit of black. I have the sun, swirling orange, and the moon, purple and white, and I will be adding yellow and white stars soon. Currently, I am adding half-circle details to the moon, the sun will have spirals, and any of the stars will have a diamond pattern on them.
    My repetition aspect in ny project is the repeating patterns, and the repetition of stars and celestial elements.
     It's taken me about three hours so far, but I've had to wait for the paint to dry, and the details are going to take forever, so I'm not sure how much longer it will take.
     I'm still not done with it, but by the time I am done, it should be A worthy!

    I did three different cards, the seven of spades, two of clovers, and the three of diamonds. For the spades, I used a collage of fabric, for the daimonds, I used water color, and for the clovers I used a combination of acrylic, water color, and salt.
    The spades card I made into a dragonfly, which took a very long time and was a little frustrating because I've never worked with fabric for an art project before, and I got thread and fuzz all over the place, which was anoying with the glue. But it turned out to be a really interesting card. Then the diamond card is my favourite, it has three poppies on it, and three green diamonds to look like leaves. The clover card is two trees, an autumn and winter tree, with an interesting background. The bottoms of each tree has piles, the winter one has snow and the autumn one has leaves.
    These took me about seven hours, one for the poppies, two for the trees, and about four for the dragonfly.

I painted an owl on a wood textured background, which I had a lot of fun with. The background I painted without brushes, but the owl I used brushes. It was the first time I painted an owl, and I'm actually really proud of it, I think it looks cute.
    I also used some water color to create some fun background paper, but I'm not sure what to do with them now.
    Another fun thing I did was create an abstract background using a range of contrasting colors, I also have no idea what to do with it, but I love it.

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