Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Ok, NOW we get to my 2D stuff.

This is an oil painting of the giant pacific octopus, a truly magnificent creature.

I have to say, oil takes FOREVER to dry, and silly me decided to do a background before actually painting the octopus, so this took me a few weeks. I'll get better with oil eventually, once I actually get some nice oil paints instead of the cheap ones.

Blue and White Heart

I'll admit, I've been a bit obsessed with hearts recently.

This is just a tiny heart dish I made for fun.

That cracked glass effect is actually a really cool process done with chunks of class! I arranged four (I think) little glass pebbles inside the bowl and fired it on a glaze fire! The more glass you put, the more cracks it makes!

Metal Heart

This is my absolute favorite thing that I have done with ceramics. I made a semi-anatomically correct heart and glazed it with a metallic glaze!

I plan to make this into a series, so I will be making at least two more very soon!

My Shells!

Ah yes, all of my little shells. 

Oh and that last one is supposed to be a jellyfish top, I was going to add ribbon for the tentacles, just haven't found the right ribbon yet.

I made these out of porcelain and used slip to make the textures. These were so much fun to make, I really liked shaping them and adding the textures.

Tiny Mask

This was really just for fun.

This mask is about as long as my finger, so not very big, but I think it's super cute.

I actually used metal for the nose ring, which was a fun experiment. I forgot exactly what those are, but they're used in the construction of the kiln so they're meant to withstand the temperatures without melting or bending.

First Mask

 This was the very first mask I made,

What's weird about this one is that at first, the brown marks were green. Even after the first firing, they were green, they only turned brown after I put the clear glaze over it and glaze fired it.

But hey, still a cool composition, if I do say so myself! I really would have liked that green color there, but the brown still works with it.


I found a few shells on the beach, and decided to see how the kiln would affect them.

This is what it looked like after being fired, however after a few weeks the remainder of the shells deteriorated into a powder. All except for a tiny shell that was accidentally covered in glaze.

It was a fun experiment, but now I have no idea what to do with it.

Best Friend Bowl

This is the biggest bowl I've ever made.

Sounds impressive, riiiiight? Welp, it's not so big. It fits very comfortably in the palm of my hand, which if you know me, you know isn't big at all.

This is the first time I painted a design with glaze, and I have to say I like the way it turned out.

Greenish Mask

So. This mask.

Not exactly what I had in mind when I made it, but I still really love the way it turned out. Instead of using a glaze for this mask's color, I used a stain and then a clear glaze over the top to make it shiny.

Brown Mask

Alright, so I don't do the whole, name your piece thing, so I can't title these by name.

This is one of the four masks that I made this year. This is one of my favorite masks I've made, the colors remind me of petrified wood!
Hi there!

I originally started up my blog freshman year as a class assignment, but never got around to actually posting any artwork. I've been doing a ton of art lately in my sketchbooks and thought it would be a great idea to finally start posting them!

Not only that, I've also taken up ceramics and other 3D art, so I would like to start posting my work here! This will be the first time that I get to do a years worth of art for almost the entire day, so I'm super stoked! I haven't gotten many works done because I started working on a larger project, (which will be posted later) but I'm really enjoying it, and I hope you do too!